Summary: In every moment there is a presence of duality. A precedent can create a presence of a specific moment. In every moment there are distances presented that measure using the metric system to help create a sense of depth.
Moments: A moment is a specific period of great importance. This semester we have learned about what it means to have a moment in our drawings. For the most part, it means that the drawing has one big element that stands out most and is inspiring to others. When I think of moments, I usually think of movements because movements draw your eye from one thing to the next having several moments. A moment in the St. Sernin church in Toulouse, France, is how the big rose window focuses on the altar inside the church. “The major source of light in the nave is from the large rose window…” that reflects light onto the altar, which is the most important part of the church inside. (Roth, 318)
Dualities: Dualities show two sides of something. A good example of duality is our black and white abstraction models. We have made several models relating to our words that were chosen. Mine related to the words balance, symmetry, and rhythm. The black and white colors show the duality between light and dark. At the san Miniato al Monte church in Florence, Italy, there are several examples of dualities. There are light and dark stones with alternating marbles that are geometric. There is “…a Corinthian arcade made up of numerous inlaid colored marbles…” showing two dualities of light and dark.
Presence: Presence can mean different things, but its most common is the attendance of something. In the Hagia Sophia there is a square in the center on the ceiling that has a circle in the middle, called the pendent. The pendentive’s circle is the oculus that has an opening so that it can allow light to come into the church. The presence of light from above creates a moment of mysteriousness and it strikes in rays making there have a duality of distinction between light and dark. The light represents the presence of God in the church. “In the new phase into which medieval architecture now passed, the presence of light, the symbol of God’s divine Grace, became the preeminent symbol; the church building had to become transparent…” (Roth, 323)
Precedent: As a first year student, I as well as the others, have learned what a precedent is. It feels like we had to have a precedent for almost every project we did last semester. A precedent is anything that is inspiring to what you are about to draw or make for a project or assignment. It helps you to formulate more ideas. The ste. Madeline in Vezelay is a pilgrimage church and it was during the history moment when they thought things after end of world would descend into hell. In that case, the snake on the columns represents evil. The designer used a snake as their precedent to create the presence of evil. Roth says that sunlight is a precedent to divine illumination… “…transformed sunlight so that it symbolized divine illumination.” (Roth, 324)
Metric: Metric refers to distance. In Europe, as well as several other parts of the world, they use the metric system to measure things. In the United States however, we do not use the metric system for whatever reason, I do not know. I relate metric to scale and size because when you see something in a distance you are going to scale it down to a smaller size when you draw it or else it would take a thousand sheets of paper to draw what you see in the scale that you see it with your bare eyes. The ste. Marie in Souillac has a great solidity with a vast scale and construction. People “marveled at the size and wealth of the city and the vast scale and splendor of Hagia Sophia.” (Roth, 328)
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