Sunday, January 24, 2010

Makeshift Shelter: Narrative

On Friday January 29, 2010, George wakes up late in his dorm for his painting class that is on the other side of campus in the studio arts building. He realizes he doesn’t have time to shower, so he hurries to put on appropriate clothes and grabs his bag and walks to the studio arts building. As he opens the door to his building, he sees a tall bright shelter that catches his attention. He has a few more minutes until class starts so he decides to check it out. George is amazed how it is only made of recycled water bottles, bubble wrap, a car door panel, and foam board. There are two entrances, each directly across from each other. He goes in on the right side and immediately feels cramped, but cozy and safe at the same time. It is small, shimmery from the bottles and is shaped like a pyramid. The top bottle is a green sprite bottle and makes for an interesting effect. All the holes between the bottles are covered with bubble wrap. There is two foam board shelves in the corner opposite of the entrances with shaved out bowls that held some apples, oranges and bananas. The top shelf had real cherry tomatoes that you could pick from the plant! George then ate a banana as he sat on the thick blue foam board bench. George exited out the other entrance and saw the car door panel that looked like it could be a window for the shelter since it had a glass roll down window. He then realized it was time for class to start and as he left he felt thankful for a healthy breakfast at the shelter and was feeling refreshed. It was a place for new imagination as nature and reality came together.

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