Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why Makeshift Shelter?

As designers, we have to focus on the needs of the people and what they are going to be doing in that space. We need to make people feel comfortable in that space as well because if they don't feel comfortable, they won't want to use the space. In our Makeshift Shelter project we need to design around the activity that will take place in each shelter. The shelters are made for different purposes. One is for snacking, another for sleeping, another for socializing, etc. Once our shelters are finished, people will come through our lobby of the Gatewood Studio Arts building and get to experience the different activities that each shelter is made for. I hope that people will see how easy it is to make shelters that can be made in Haiti possibly. By experiencing what it is like being in the shelters, I hope people will donate to Haiti realizing that shelters are now homes for the people in Haiti. Like Suzanne said, "Earthquakes don't kill people, buildings do." I hope that in the future Haiti will have buildings that can survive earthquakes and will be designed in a way to keep people alive. The point of the shelter project is to experience the activities in the shelters to raise awareness for Haiti to grab peoples attention and donate.

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